Flinn Works & Asedeva

Ultimate Safari

Australian Exclusive / VR / Tanzania / Germany
Selling Fast

Be transported to the safari plains of Tanzania without leaving Perth. Put on a set of virtual reality goggles and you become a tourist, sitting on the roof of a 4WD as a herd of elephants meanders past. Take a 360° look at wildlife conservation and tourism in Africa on this immersive adventure.

Dates & Times

19 – 23 Feb
Wed & Thu 6pm
Fri – Sun 12 & 6pm

Duration 90mins




Festival Club membership prices available.


Rehearsal Room, State Theatre Centre of WA, 174/176 William St, Perth WA 6000

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  • Performed in English.
  • VR goggles worn throughout the performance.
  • Latecomers only admitted at a suitable break in the performance. 

Be transported to the safari plains of Tanzania without leaving Perth. Put on a set of virtual reality goggles and you become a tourist, sitting on the roof of a 4WD as a herd of elephants meanders past. Take a 360° look at wildlife conservation and tourism in Africa on this immersive adventure.

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A Flinn Works Production in collaboration with Asedeva

Choreographer & Performer Isack Abeneko
Lighting Designer & Technical Director Susana Alonso
Stage & Costume Designer Lea Dietrich
Artistic Collaborator Alexandra Hernández Ceaicovscaia
Artistic Director & Performer Konradin Kunze
Performer Happiness Majige
Expert Laibor Moko
Sound Designer Andi Otto
Video & VR Designer Jürgen Salzmann
Director Sophia Stepf
Flinn Works Management Marit Buchmeier / xplusdrei Produktionsburo
Production Manager Grischa Schwiegk 
Tanzania Organisation Gabriel Orio 


Funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa des Landes Berlin, Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR, Between Bridges
In Cooperation with TD Berlin

Images Lea Dietrich & Flinn Works